Monday, February 11, 2008

Potomac Primary

Well, tomorrow is my turn to cast my vote in the Virginia Primary. This has been the easiest decision and the hardest decision. Fortunately, I had already decided in my heart to support John McCain the day before Romney suspended his campaign and here is why:

Many people will claim to be make decisions that will benefit the country rather than benefiting themselves. Few will actually have experience to support that claim. Let us not forget the years McCain spent in the Hanoi Hilton. He could have chosen to cooperate with the North Vietnamese and return to a more comfortable situation for his own health and well-being. His commitment to his country and his dedication to the military kept him quiet and in pain. By the grace of God, he survived. And now the man that wouldn't "give it up" to the enemy many years ago is asking to be our President. Sure I don't agree with some policies that he has instituted but I have to remember where we are today, the world that we live in. We need someone that won't make a shady deal behind the doors of the Oval Office just because it may enhance their "status" or personal wealth. I am not confident that some others haven't in the past or will not in the future. This man has proven that deep inside he has the character to make the best decisions with the information that he has and the integrity to put his country first.

If you haven't voted yet, may I suggest John McCain?

On the other side of the aisle, don't be surprised if HRC actually pulls some of these states to her side. There is a GOP movement to vote for her to eliminate Obama. And since we are talking beltway folks, strategey is their middle name.

1 comment:

The Deavours Family said...

So, are you feeling about the future of this country these days??? UGH.