Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Confessions of a Christmas Caroler

Today, I did it. 48 hours early. I was driving along I-95 to my folks' house and began the radio scan for something decent to listen/sing along with. Wouldn't you know they already have Christmas music playing. I had to. I just had to! I actually was tempted on Monday and listened to 2 songs before the guilt was overwhelming and I had to turn it off. "Mindy, don't rush the seasons!" Well, I rushed Christmas music 48 hours and I am not apologetic. I enjoyed it. Don't worry though. I still haven't had my Peppermint Mocha yet. There are still things that are sacred for Christmas only!

1 comment:

Bobby Lou Cash said...

You should stop listening 48 hours early to make up for it.
Then again, I wouldn't be opposed to listening year round. Scrooge didn't think it a bad thing to keep the spirit of Christmas all year long. (I read the Christmas Carol before Halloween).
Mary Christmas