Saturday, November 22, 2008

I may be crazy...

A few weeks ago, my running partner and I were remembering how great cold weather running is. This morning I woke up for our Saturday morning long run and found the temperature to be 29 degrees. When we arrived, we were laughing that we weren't exactly ready for this drop in temperature! It took a good mile or 2 before my fingers were warm and for some reason my wrists were cold. Isn't that odd? Well, we managed to make our goal for the morning but my nose ran the entire time. Sometimes I wonder if we are crazy for running in the cold but then when it is over and I feel so great, I know that I'm not crazy just ambitious. The sacrifices we make for fitness...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we are a bit crazy, but at least it is a healthy form of crazy. Also, we could be in Minnesota, or Alaska, or Canada, eh? Shamrock here we come!!!