If you have talked to me in the last few months, you know that I have been in a rut with church. I love my church, don't get me wrong, but I've felt something is just missing. In a discussion with my girlfriend, Adrienne, I was invited to join her small group Bible study. Tonight was the last night of the study and I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed it. If you have ever been in any study with me before, I've never been bashful about offering my 2 cents (or more in some cases) but I did things differently this time. As selfish as it sounds, I took from this group. I purposefully listened and just tried to take it all in and offered zero in the conversation. It was a bit unlike me, but I rather enjoyed observing and learning from women of various walks of life. I'm sad it is over but extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn.
The study involved a Life Journal and the Bible. The Journal gave a list of readings each day and then you would select a verse that you identified as meaningful or important to you and wrote about it. The template to use for writing is S.O.A.P. (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer). It definitely sent a jolt to my reading the Word and put me in a routine that I rather enjoy. Not to mention it has forced me to read much of the Old Testament that we all shy away from (Minor Prophets, Major Prophets). I don't dislike the Old Testament, but find the New such an easier read not to mention a bit more joyful. Those Prophets can throw down some harsh language!
All in all, I'm thankful for the group and study and praying that I will continue S.O.A.P. readings at least until I can get through the whole Bible.
Adrienne, thank you so much for inviting me and letting me tag along. I'm still praying for your situation and I am more than confident it will indeed be greater than you imagine. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. But in ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6