Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Plain is good for something

My sister came to visit me last year. In an effort to help her not be frisked for too much liquids in her carry on, I offered to just have toothpaste, shampoo, etc here. I thought that it would be easy to just pick up a few travel sizes. Well, I learned from my little sister that she does not do well with just any toothpaste. She needed PLAIN toothpaste. Who in their right mind uses plain toothpaste? I'll tell you. My sister. And probably your grandmother. I don't have to tell you they don't sell plain in the travel size. Travel sizes are the hip, new flavors to get you hooked. I bought a full size tube for her visit.

This brings me to today. I uncovered an old silver necklace I use to wear but it was tarnished to black. In an effort to revive this piece of jewelry, I went on the interwebs to discover if there were regular household items that could polish that silver necklace. Did you know that PLAIN toothpaste polishes silver? I didn't either! Sure my hands and neck smell of minty paste, but that silver is silver once again.

That Keri and her weird preferences turned out to be good for something...this time.

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