Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Flood of 2010

If you knew me in 2003, you may recall the Flood of 2003. It went something like this: Woke up on a December morning with my entire home flooded by a burst pipe. Fast forward to Saturday night when I arrived home from my Mecca trip. This time it goes like this: Neighbor's hot water heater overflowed and flooded half of my home. Ugh!

We are well on our way to restoration. Carpet is probably salvageable although the padding has been removed. Linoleum was removed this morning, so that's a loss. I have obnoxiously loud industrial fans blowing hopefully for the last night to dry the concrete slab. Just waiting on the insurance adjuster so we can get this renovation started!

I'm handling this flood much better. After sulking over the inconvenience and frustration that goes with ALL of my belongings residing in the dry areas of my bedrooms and living room, I have changed my attitude. For the last year, I've been rather anxious to purchase a new home. I resolved a few months ago that I cannot afford what I want right now so I should make the most of what I do own. This morning, the Lord reminding me that although this situation is a bit of a nuisance, it is His way of helping make this dwelling place even better. So, three cheers for new floors! Hip! Hip! Hip!


The Deavours Family said...

ugh. that is a bummer.

Joanna said...

So sorry to hear this Mindy!

Sarah Bragg said...

That's great (not the flood!) but that you can update a little :-)