Thursday, November 19, 2009

HOT Yoga

In my marathon training, I need some sort of additional activity. I'm horrible at cross training but decided to integrate something new in my life. How about Yoga?

I purchased a package from a new, local yoga studio a few weeks ago and have attempted to participate in a hot yoga class each week. If you are unfamiliar with yoga, yes HOT indicates temperature. It's what they call a "flow class" meaning the class just flows through numerous poses in a 90 degree room. You end up sweating like a beast, but you feel so good!

My first class was pretty awesome. If you know me at all, the act of relaxation is not something that a) comes easy or b) is practiced at all. I'm a high stress, multi-tasking, schedule juggling fool! When I left that first class, I felt like I had never felt before. I was both energized and a bit on the loopy side. Also, I realized how much the stretching helped to relieve the pain from my plantar fasciitis. It was amazing. I could walk normal again!

Tonight's class was actually pretty successful. I landed all of my handstands and even achieved a few new poses. I only have 2 classes left, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to renew after the holidays. If you have an opportunity to practice hot yoga, may I urge you to do it!!! Your mind and body will thank you...

1 comment:

The Deavours Family said...

i don't believe you. i need hand-standing picture proof.