Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life is Precious

How easy it is to go about life never considering an early death for yourself, for your loved ones, for those around you. Although I'm removed from the situation, my heart is breaking for a young girl that lost her husband this morning and for my sister, the strong pillar for so many friends around her.

I called my mom this morning after my run, as I always do, to see what was in store for the folks this Labor Day weekend. She began to tell me that my sister had a really bad night. In the middle of the night, my sister received a phone call from the local Police Department. A friend of hers had requested Keri's presence at her home. You see, this friend awoke to find her husband laying beside her not breathing. In her most dire time of need, she called on my sister and being the sensitive and caring person that she is, she responded. So, without sleep Keri went in to work today longing for her shift to end so she could return to her friend. A few moments ago, my mother called to inform me that he didn't make it. A young man of about 27 years old has left this world entirely too soon.

The actual cause of death details are uncertain and I guess really don't matter at this point. What matters is a home is devastated and the world around this young man is affected.

I think the hardest thing right now is being the strong woman of faith that Keri is to a hurting group of people that may or may not know that God is good and His plans are perfect. The burden that we, as Christians, carry can be so overwhelming. Our care and love for those around us exceeds the present and hopes for eternity. But I think it is moments like this, where our faith is activated and our words are penetrating, that open the door for God to show up. He is real and His peace truly passes understanding.

I sit here today with a broken heart for this young girl that is now a widow. As a single woman, I don't understand the love that married couples share. But I can only imagine the hole in her world. I feel alone sometimes being single, but I've never known it any other way. This young girl will have to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new life without the man she married.

I hope that reading this compels you to do 2 things: 1) Pray for this family and those supporting them (especially Keri). Pray for the peace that only our Heavenly Father can provide and the hope for a better tomorrow. Pray for strength and healing during this time. 2) Savor life and your loved ones. Be thankful for the health and life of your family and friends. And not just be thankful but express your feelings to them.

Appreciate the life you have been blessed with and make the most of every opportunity confident that He who began a good work will bring it to completion (Philipians 1:6).

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