Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Party Rule

As you know, I love to cook. Almost as much as I love to cook, I love to share recipes. I have found a few ladies at work that enjoy the same thing. During a recent sugar discussion, we decided to have a cookie exchange. One of the girls just recently remodeled her kitchen and, anxious to share, offered to host. We set next week as the date and began finalizing the details. Well, you will never believe what happened. One of the invited guests insisted that we have the party at work after hours because she didn't want to drive anywhere and then she began to push her "rules" for the cookie exchange. If this is not appalling to you, let me share a little secret. When invited to attend a party, do not insist on changes to the party's agenda or location. Be thankful you were included...


Adrienne said...

Don't forget the rule about inviting others to someone else's shindig without first ensuring that it's kosher!

Mindyb said...

Oh yeah, Adrienne. That one too.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister - preach it!